all postcodes in WV14 / BILSTON

find any address or company within the WV14 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV14 9AA 0 52.545808 -2.09908
WV14 9AB 0 52.545668 -2.100976
WV14 9AD 0 52.545248 -2.098852
WV14 9AE 0 52.544646 -2.098128
WV14 9AF 0 52.544922 -2.101505
WV14 9AG 0 52.544914 -2.100045
WV14 9AH 0 52.543385 -2.100764
WV14 9AJ 1 52.543747 -2.097993
WV14 9AL 0 52.543864 -2.098126
WV14 9AN 0 52.541843 -2.098894
WV14 9AP 0 52.540266 -2.099887
WV14 9AQ 0 52.544212 -2.100663
WV14 9AR 0 52.539192 -2.097826
WV14 9AT 0 52.539649 -2.096863
WV14 9AU 0 52.538968 -2.097266
WV14 9AW 1 52.540564 -2.09859
WV14 9AX 0 52.542876 -2.097475
WV14 9AY 0 52.539818 -2.09825
WV14 9AZ 0 52.540001 -2.098521
WV14 9BB 0 52.549169 -2.109956